What is the best smartwatch for an 8-year-old?

Do you want to buy a smartwatch for your child? Now I'll show you how to do it. We'll talk about a current trend that will undoubtedly be around for a long time, namely smartwatches. 

In other words, smart watches are now available - literally at your fingertips. What is there to say about this technological advancement?

They are small, handy devices that perform so many different functions that they meet the needs of a wide range of users. 

These smartwaches are so cool and flashy that even the youngest children want to wear them, making it easier for parents to take care of their children.

How to choose a smart watch for a child? 

First and foremost, a very important function for the parent is the location of the child using the GPS signal. Many smartphones come standard with a GPS receiver.

This seemingly insignificant function is an absolute leap in the mental comfort of every parent. Thanks to the GPS transmitter, the parent can check the child's location in real time with great accuracy, and even see how fast it is moving. 

Remember - how many times have you been on a school trip and forgot to let your mom know that you have reached your destination, and she is simply losing her mind, unable to reach you? And this is where this inconspicuous function comes in handy. 

The parent checks the location of the watch in the application and sees that the child, for example, is moving along the A2 motorway at a speed of 90 km / h, or has already been at the destination for an hour. 

Full psychological comfort of the parent and the lack of a sense of excessive control or overprotection in the child. In addition, in the presented Garett Kids model, parents have been provided with a phenomenal function, called GEOogrowanie by the manufacturer. 

This function allows the guardian to determine the area on which the child may move at a given time from the level of the application on his phone

The parent checks the watch's location in the application and notices that the child, for example, is traveling along the A2 motorway at 90 km/h or has already arrived at the destination for an hour.

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The parent's complete psychological comfort, as well as the child's lack of a sense of excessive control or overprotection. 

Furthermore, the manufacturer has provided parents with a fantastic function called GEOogrowanie in the presented Garett Kids model.

From the level of the application on his phone, the guardian can determine the area on which the child may move at any given time. An alert will be sent to the guardian's phone if the child leaves the designated area. So, if your child is supposed to be at the ballet class on Tuesday at 4 p.m. and does not arrive at the scheduled location on time, you will be notified immediately.

You will be able to respond in real time thanks to this function. This watch also has an Android system, is compatible with iOS, works in the LTE system, and has WiFi access.

As a result, it enables you to establish a voice connection and conduct video calls, allowing parents to contact at any time and verify the environment in which a child exists.

If the GPS location alone isn't enough for us, a quick video call lets you know exactly where the child is and, more importantly, whether it is safe. That's a neat idea. As a result, such a smartwatch has the majority of the basic functions of a smartphone while remaining a watch at all times.

This allows contact with the parent under any circumstances, even if cell phone use is prohibited at school. The measurement of vital signs is the second most important feature of most smartwatches. 

We're talking about tracking the number of steps taken, the distance traveled, the quality of one's sleep, and so on.

Some watches are also completely waterproof, making them suitable for swimming, for example. So, if your child participates in a variety of sports, the Xiaomi Mi Watch Lite is the best option.

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A watch aimed at older children, if only because of its more "adult" design. It allows for detailed measurement of vital functions in up to 11 different training modes, including outdoor running, treadmill running, cycling, walking, trekking, swimming in a pool, and many, many more.

Furthermore, it regulates the child's heart rate and breathing, which not only monitors the child's training performance but can also be an early indicator of, say, the development of infections in the body.

The ICE or SOS button is another crucial feature of a smartwatch for a child. From a parent's perspective, the ability to incorporate ICE emergency telephones in Case of Emergency is probably the most important feature of a smartwatch for a child.

It's the same as tattooing three phone numbers on your child's arm in case of a missing person or other accident. Only today, a child wears them in the form of a watch, rather than having them written on their hands as they used to. 

Simply put, the SOS button allows you to quickly dial the caregiver's contact number in the event of a life-threatening or health-threatening situation. Not only by the child, but also by the person who, for example, discovers our lost child in a shopping mall.

When a child perceives a threat, SOS notification allows you to call and alert parents to the need for immediate contact. Furthermore, there is the possibility of discrete eavesdropping in this watch if you believe the child is in danger of something.

Another important consideration for parents is the ability to control the child's watch remotely from the level of the smartphone application.

This feature allows you to receive reports on the child's physical activity, view his lesson plan, and even delegate tasks and... reward the child with virtual coins for completing this task, which can then be exchanged for real rewards.

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It is also possible to limit the amount of time the child can use a given function. A useful feature for parents is the ability to manage the profiles of multiple children from a single application.  It is impossible to deny that the child's wristwatch, for example, is in constant danger. I'm referring to games, sports, and ordinary children's adventures.

As a result, it is important to consider whether the watch you want to buy for your child is dust and splash resistant, as well as waterproof. 

That sort of thing. Furthermore, what material the strap and shield are made of. This smartwatch's case is made of mineral crystal, which has a high resistance to mechanical damage.

The strap, on the other hand, is made of plastic, which ensures comfort while wearing, and the large number of holes on the strap allow for a perfect fit to the circumference of our child's wrist.  

When it comes to the features of external watches, it is worth noting that the presented smartwatches leave a lot of room for the child's individualism.

The possibilities for changing stripes and switching between colors are limitless. It not only allows the child to stand out, but it also allows for the equipment to evolve as the child grows.

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Because, as we know from our own experience, each child goes through different stages, and as the child grows, so do their preferences, including their color preferences. 

So we have a variety of colors and stripes to choose from: pink, red, purple, blue, navy blue, green, or the traditional black and white. There are designs that are more massive and designs that are more delicate.

Everyone will find something for themselves, as you can see - there is a lot to choose from. Typically boyish and those intended for girls, everyone will find something for themselves, as you can see - there is a lot to choose from. 

I hope that today's material has given you some insight into the world of smartwatches aimed at parents and children. If you have any personal experience with any of these devices, please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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