Sport watch EX16 Military review

Sport watch; Today I'll be unboxing the an x16 sports military SmartWatch, which I've seen a lot of editors on Facebook and had a pretty good release so without further ado. 

Let's get started, so the box arrived in this fairly standard case I suppose instead of the box you get the operation guide of course now for a cheap SmartWatch.

Sports watch EX16 Military battery life

In terms of battery life, it has a 12 month battery life without needing to be charged. So this is the completed watch question the quality of it appears to be pretty reasonable that just like a styling what you might buy for 10 pounds and actually I could ask the store or something I suppose but it works pretty well. 

I know it says power on, so I can power on by pressing all the buttons, and in terms of other accessories, you don't seem to get infamous just to watch in there using manual controls. 

This my quantities manual requires the download of an app, which is available for both Android and iPhone, so let's take a look. 

The app is actually available on the Google Play Store and school sports plus. So, when I ask for your information, I'm already seeing in quite a few arts I'm the app doesn't seem to be that one mate but I could be completely wrong listen person to tell you.

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So you can just say your goals here and how you want it formatted. This is how the app looks once it's set up, but I haven't had a chance to add the phone or watch yet. 

So it's looking for any device, so I managed to pair the watch with my phone. This is how it looks on my wrist; it's a little bulky, but in terms of style, I really like it.

Sport watch EX16 Military's photo

I must admit that just a comparison in terms of brokenness is why, while we watch GT so you can see how bulky your it is, it reminds me of any standard monochrome watch on the market. 

I don't mean the standard smart watches you see; I mean regular watches. It's pretty nice; you can see a little light in the video, and it feels very light as well, and the app itself is pretty basic.

A picture of the Sport watch EX16 Military with a white and gray background

So that you can be numbered steps I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but that's what you get with beautifies management, which this is watching but there don't appear to be any options. Yes, the operation's settings are correct.

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Include reminders. I believe I just said swing up. I'm not sure why it won't set the Facebook reminder; it could be a notification issue. 

The interface is actually quite nice in comparison to some of the other apps I've seen out there, and you can actually share pictures.

In the end, tell us your opinion and advice, which Sport watch do you prefer and have you tried any of these watches before

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