Imoo Watch Phone Z1 4G Kids Smartwatch

Imoo Watch Phone Z1; comes with a charger, so make sure it's charged, but it has a really good battery life, which is always nice.

You won't have to worry about it dying while they're out and about because it has an extremely long battery life.

What is the price of an Imoo Watch Phone Z1?

The imoo Watch Phone Z1 was released in the fall of 2022 for $259 USD. The imoo Watch Phone Z1 is available in two colors, purple and green, and is currently available for $259 through imoo.

So what's really cool about the imoo Watch Phone Z1 is that it functions in some ways like an Apple Watch because it has two-way video calling as well as regular voice calling.

Let me go ahead and show you how to tell time by swiping up like this, that's what the opening screen looks like. Swipe it over there so we've got contacts here.

Imoo Watch Phone Z1 4G Kids Smart watch

So allow me to show you what that looks like. So it appears that way, and you have the option of answering or denying it. If you answer it, it looks like this right here, and I've got we're going to go ahead and hang that up, and I've got location on there as well.

So, from the parents' perspective, you get an app, and it's a free app; you don't have to pay for anything. I'll show you what it looks like; it's called imo, and you click it.

That's where we are right now with the family and the child. It also has options for locate call notifications and more at the bottom right now we're on chat like that.

So if I click on the kid tab, that's what it looks like, and if I want to call them from my end, I can click on the plus sign over there, and then you have a few options to send pictures or whatever. You'll be sending photos, but I'll be pressing the video call button.

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That's really cool about the app, and it does have some really great locations, so what I thought was really cool is that you can update it minute by minute.

I went ahead and hit that location tab, and you can hit this update like circle cycle button right here, so you hit that update, and it'll say locating, and it'll tell you exactly where your kit is right now.

So they've been successfully located, and it says that they're in a static state, which means they're not moving, the watch isn't moving, they're not running around, and they're exactly where they say they are. That's fantastic.

Are imoo watches waterproof?

This mode is also available for the ipx8 water resistance mode. So, if your child wants to go swimming at the pool or lake, they don't have to take this off.

I'm going to quickly submerge this in water and show you how to wipe it down so you can at least see that the screen still works and that you can swipe around and see all of the different functions there.

Imoo Watch Phone Z1 4G Kids watch

That's really cool, but if you don't want your child to take off the watch at the pool, forget it, and then your children are somewhere else and the watch isn't on, they don't have to take it off.

So that's fantastic. merely adds for extra security There is also a class mode on this, and the only way to access it is through the app, mom and dad, so let's go back into the app quickly to show you what that looks like.

So you'll go under the ore tab, all the way to the right, and scroll down just a little bit to find class mode. 

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This is how it appears when your child is in class, there are no interruptions, so if you try to call them or someone else tries to reach them, While they're in class, their watch won't just go off and make that noise you heard earlier; instead, it'll mute the call and give you times and options for disabled time.

That's why you click here: to find out exactly what their schedule is like, so you know when you can and cannot call them. This is an option so your child doesn't get in trouble for trying to be safe, which is awesome.

It truly has a long battery life. So your kids aren't running around after dark and then being unable to be reached because their watch has died. It's not going to be like that because these battery lives are pretty toughcore, and as I previously stated, that app is free, so you won't have to pay anything out of pocket.

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I'm going to show you a little more about the watch itself so your kids know what they're getting and you know what they're getting as well. So right away from the opening screen, I just slide over here and then I've got a chat option, an ad friends option, and a step counter if they're really active and want to track their steps. 

There is also a level album where they can take photos with the little camera in the watch, which would be a lot of fun to do. 

They can also set alarms. There is a shake messaging the dialing, which is nice. So that's what it looks like if they need to dial a phone number and we'll go ahead and there's a bunch of other things that your kids can do with this. There are also settings, a stopwatch, and a bind code, which is super cool, so that's what you'll get with the imoo watch Phone Z1.

Imoo Watch Phone Z1 Smartwatch

It is absolutely fantastic, and this is what the back of that looks like, and I'd like to make a quick mention of you will need a sim card for imoo Watch Phone Z1. So this is what it looks like in the back here, this little black square is where you will put that sim card. So just making sure you have one of those so this will work perfectly for you, thank you so much.

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