How to clean Apple Watch band?

I'm going to show you how to clean your Apple watch band so in my case I'm using an Apple watch sport with its both lamb so if you're using a different band you may want to use a different method probably your band is known as friendly with water spots one.

If you're using a sports fan this method is the one set up those official website so there's no problem with using it so without further ado let's go so without further ado.

First and foremost, turn off your Apple Watch. Apple recommends that you do so, so I will do so even though I have completed this process without powering it off. 

Next we'll disconnect the bands by pressing this little button right here and two places and flew to one side and if it doesn't work to slide to the other, then repeat the process for the lower one and now we have it all working three parts.

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So first we will wash depends to do so we simply place them under the tab and wash them to rub with your fingers and it should be enough we will leave them here cleaning meanwhile and now we have to wash the watch itself so we have to be careful with the sensors underneath the watch and this is a serious one which is water resistant but not waterproof.

Hand holding Apple Watch and cleaning it

So we will be a little more careful with this so we will open the tap just a little bit and place it under and grab with our fingers next is time to dry it but a we have to be careful drying the watch but first we will write a band which you can drive with just an 8 hour take the other one and repeat the process.

Yeah, it's almost dry now. Once it's dry, you just rebuild your watch by repositioning the pants and there we go, so now we just turn it on and we're good to go okay so did you?

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What should you use to clean your Apple Watch?

Gently wipe the exterior surfaces of your Apple Watch, Sport Band, or metal band with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. 

Use with caution on fabric or leather bands. Avoid using bleach. Avoid getting moisture into any openings, and never immerse your watch in cleaning solutions.

How frequently should your Apple Watch be cleaned?

Over time, all Apple Watch bands will become dirty. Dust, food, sweat, lotions, and other substances can all have an impact on the appearance of your watch band. 

The frequency with which an Apple Watch band should be cleaned depends on your circumstances. We recommend cleaning as needed, but at least every two weeks.

How do you get a stinky Apple Watch clean?

Soak in Dish Soap Overnight — Soak your Apple Watch band in a dish soap and water mixture overnight. 

It does not have to be any particular mineral or distilled water. The good old-fashioned tap water will suffice.

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What is the best Apple Watch band cleaner?

Wipe the band clean with a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth. If necessary, dampen the cloth lightly with fresh water. 

You can also clean these bands with mild hypoallergenic hand soap. Before you attach the band to your Apple Watch, dry it with a non-abrasive, lint-free cloth.

Is it safe to wash my Apple Watch strap in the washing machine?

Washing your Apple Watch bands in the washing machine is not recommended. While nylon straps and bands can be washed in a washing machine, this is not recommended. 

The materials will be damaged due to the small size of the band and the aggressive nature of washing machines.

Finally, if you have any queries regarding How to Clean Apple Watch Band? Let's talk about another way to clean it in the comments.

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