How do I share Apple music to instagram story?

share apple music to instagram story?; I'm going to show you a very cool trick that was introduced a couple days ago in ios 13.5 and that has actually gone a little bit under the cover but it can make your instagram stories look very cool.

So yes I said this was part of the ios 13.5 release so in order to do this you will need to update your iphone to this ios version and yeah the trick itself consists on sharing a song in your instagram story.

The song has to be from Apple Music, Spotify has a similar thing, but in this case we're going to focus on music and yeah you can share this song and it's not going to be like a screenshot of your player.

It's going to be a very cool background with the uh cover art and you can play this song and you can direct people to play in Apple Music so yeah let's go and see how it's done so yeah let's go and see how it's done.

How To Share an Apple Music Song on Your Instagram Stories?

  1. To do this tutorial, we'll need two things: first, an Apple Music subscription (I'm pretty sure this only works if you have one), and second, an Instagram account.   
  2. I happen to have both of them, as well as my instagram at noble times, which you can follow while you're there, but yeah well we go to it uh yeah so what we will do is very simple, so we will choose whatever song we want um we can play it.
  3. We will go to share share song and, of course, you can choose instagram.
  4. If you don't see it, go to more scroll down to instagram and it says greetings story and it's this simple so I'm not sure if you can see it very well but because it's very white but it did create kind of the background art let me try with another song.

So with this one, it's a little bit more visible, and we have the album cover that we can rotate and move, and if we wait a little bit, you can just see that the background will change a little bit, it's all based on the album cover, so it will be different depending on what song you import.

So, if you want to hear the song, I'm afraid I have some bad news: this one will not play the song by default, and if you choose the music here, it says that the story was imported from another app that does not allow you to play music, but there is a workaround, so we can just save the image.

An image of the music logo and the Instagram logo that says How tt share music?

Now that it's safe, we delete the story, create a new one, and just choose the image, and then we can play the song and just choose whatever music we want. However, keep in mind that doing so will delete the play on Apple Music feature.

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So if you have any friends who have music and want to hear the song, they will lose this so if I tap this, it will just take me to apple music to hear that particular song so by doing the trick of saving it and then re-uploading it, you will lose that okay so as you can see, this process is very simple.

It couldn't be easier, but if you have any questions about How to Share Apple Music to Instagram Story, please let us know. Let's talk about it in the comments.

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